Derek French

Derek French is passionate about the field of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the study of Taichi and Chi Gung. He has a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine and advanced massage certification from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (San Diego), as well as Bachelor of Science from UC Berkely. He apprenticed Taichi and Ontology 5 years to Master Peter Ralston beginning in 1993, and has studied Taichi for over 25 years.

Derek offers sports and family medicine for all ages. In the clinic, he implements a unique combinative approach to therapy, often utilizing advanced hands-on massage therapies, as well as topical liniments and heat therapy and in conjunction with Acupuncture.

The clinics maintain an extensive pharmacy of raw and prepared herbal medicines. Custom prescriptions are given for both internal and external application, for the vast scope of ailments Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective to treat.


Meaghan Descoteau

I was born an only child to a sea captain and midwife on a houseboat on the coast of Maine. From there, I spent my childhood moving around every one to three years. With every move, I became witness to the many ways that life could be lived. I developed a deep curiosity for everything really, and in particular people. What kinds of things make people tick, why do some people have some beliefs and others have different ones, why are some people happy, why are some people successful, why does life seem so easy for some and challenging for others.  My inquisitiveness, often resembling that of a four-year old child, has yet to fade away. It carried me into the studies of economics: how people make choices with scarcity or limited resources, and urban planning: how to create different social circumstances through the way a city or community is arranged. It took me to an unexpected turn when after college I took my first yoga class and was completely enamored and also deeply curious of how moving, breathing and concentrating could produce such clarity, strength and peace within me. I’ve continued to study, practice and now teach yoga ever since.

I am blessed to have connected to my purpose, which I see as people having more freedom, more creativity and more play in their lives by virtue of knowing me. A lot of what I do is generated through creating trust and a safe space for people to process openly and look at things in new ways, In being able to express and articulate seemingly abstract concepts in many ways so that they land and become accessible, and in activating people to do the work by being myself, sharing vulnerably and by bringing humor and fun into the conversation.